Asexuality is real and valid, back off my junk, brah, 2014
5 1/2"x 3 1/2"x 3 1/2"
Etching on muslin with embroidery and clothes from the year

Even the bugs love us, especially the bugs, 2014
6"x 3 1/2"x 4"
Etching on muslin with embroidery and clothes from the year

It was nice knowing you, Steve, I'm sorry I was such a dick, 2014
5 1/2"x 5 1/2"x 6"
Etching on muslin with embroidery and clothes from the year

You are my sunshine or Sometimes I still miss Hannah, 2014
5 1/2"x 6"x 3 1/2"
Etching on muslin with embroidery and clothes from the year
My name is Dillon

Dillon Lacey is a queer cartoonist and print maker living and working in Atlanta, GA. While they start their process autobiographically through notes and sketches they eventually take their true to life stories to their unrecognizable and illogical conclusion. With their themes focused around death, religion and alienation, they create dark comedy narratives that are hopefully relatable to the viewer, regardless of medium and format.


